Enhancing openness and inclusion throughout corporate policies and operations requires techniques, tools and practices that bring results
We provide a set of considerations to help the private sector focus on key elements integral to promoting gender equality in the workplace, marketplace and community. Guided by The Women’s Empowerment Principles, forged through an international multi-stakeholder consultative process, we provide a “gender lens” through which business can survey and analyse current practices, benchmarks and reporting practices.
— strategic vision
In a globally interdependent political, social and economic environment, partnerships play an increasingly vital role to:
Create a vibrant business environment involving a broad spectrum of actors, collaborators, contributors and innovators to open opportunities for women and men; and
Enable the active and interactive participation of governments, international financial institutions, the private sector, investors, nongovernmental organisations, academia and professional organisations to work together.
— strategic objectives
Empowering women to fully participate in economic life across all sectors and throughout all levels of economic activity is essential to:
Build strong economies and establish more stable and just societies;
Achieve internationally agreed goals for development, sustainability, and human rights; Improve the quality of life for women, men, families, and communities; and
Propel businesses’ operations and goals.
About Huix Partners
The implementation of macro-level interventions to ensure the full participation of both male and female labor forces in the markets of the 21st century would generate $160 trillion in additional human capital wealth (WBG Report 2016). Huix Partners encourages and supports investments at the national level to realize the rising aspirations of all countries to build the human capital needed for the economies of the future, supporting countries conducting diagnostic studies of the legal, regulatory, and institutional framework for investment, implementation, and impact and resolve the gender economic gap.
Countries with no gender gaps have the highest ratings for international competitiveness. Advancing sustainable development by 2030 requires the recognition of the gender labor gap in work and employment and creating a cohesive action-oriented plan that all stakeholders can support, a plan that challenges businesses and national governments to develop macroeconomic responsive implementations of the SDGs. Huix Partners ensures that macroeconomic policies, legislation, and national development priorities are gender equitable.
Creating a solid social and economic foundation for the future development of all populations is a must to set the stage for more evolving and civilized socioeconomic paradigms. All over the globe, countries, and companies face a common challenge: How to best strengthen their economy and workforce while also considering societal concerns? Huix Partners looks at the entire market system, analyzing major gender gaps in the labor market, and designing and implementing interventions that address the core constraints that affect the social and economic system as a whole.
— our purpose
We are setting a strong tone from the top rethinking of corporate purpose, governance and duties
The Role of the Private Sector on Resolving the Economic Gender Gap
Companies with more women in top management and board positions better reflect the profiles of their customers and employees, benefit from more diverse views when solving problems, rank higher on indicators of organisational cooperation and health, and report higher profitability and returns on equity. Acknowledging and investing in women can yield a significant return for the national economy. To fully capitalise on the gender dividend, however, countries and their private sector must go beyond policies that focus on discrimination and develop solid strategies aimed at in-corporating women at every level.
ROI for the Private Sector and the Gender Economic Dividend
Establishing Gender Economic Governance is a fundamental pillar to the economy and sustainable development of all countries. However, rooted in the industrial era, the current model operating in most organisations is to think of talent as a cost, and women as a niche group. But in the knowledge economy, talent is an asset, and women are key to both the talent and consumer marketplace. What this requires, therefore, is a business response to what is essentially a business problem: An evaluation of the bottom line impact of investing in gender matters at all business and operations levels.
Stakeholder partnerships to Enable effective systemic interventions in the Private Sector
The Gender Economic Governance problems are challenging for both the public and private sector stakeholder. But even the number of stakeholders within each individual organisation with all their different issues internally, is in itself gigantic and diverse. During the Corporate stakeholders platform, a refinement process arises in which the Board works on two sides, the conditions for Gender Economic Governance that must be met and the further translation of the vision for Gender Economic ROI within the organisation into practice.