Gender Economic Governance Partners Since 2010
MCI Multilateral Partners’ strategic approach to gender equality supports countries and companies in delivering gender economic governance in business strategy and operations on a global scale.
MCI Multilateral Partners’ strategic approach to gender equality supports countries and companies in delivering gender economic governance in business strategy and operations on a global scale.
MCI Multilateral Partner delivers gender balance best practices proposing tools, enablers, innovative solutions, and initiatives to attract and retain female talent creating a pool of best practices, generating awareness and adhesion at all business and operations levels, applying successful strategies for change through the integration of change management and gender mainstreaming, and assessment of the most successful elements, proposing to look at how organizations are embracing gender mainstreaming, and go much further by looking at gender as part of an organizational change management strategy.
Amelia is a management and strategy consulting partner for corporates, offering her expertise in implementing strategic plans to mainstream gender equality at all business levels. Amelia translates decisions of intergovernmental bodies like the UN, ILO, and OECD into actual management frameworks on the ground supporting companies in the achievement of national, regional, and international priorities to establish gender economic governance at the national level.
MCI Multilateral Partners supports companies delivering the corporate purpose, governance, and duties by emphasizing the business case for corporates to promote gender equality, exploring how embedding gender equality across business strategy and operations is a smart investment, and demonstrating that gender equality is a key component of corporate sustainability, transforming the business into workplaces truly capable of responding to the needs and expectations of men and women alike, becoming “Gender-Transformative“.
MCI Multilateral Partners offers expert advice in priority areas, to inform strategy/policy formulation at the national level, proposing changes and addressing measures through capacity development initiatives, by presenting the preparation of studies and policy suggestions, facilitation of dialogue, and interaction to develop consensus around reform processes as review existing legislation, propose new legislation and adoption of UN conventions and international recommendations.
Companies are increasingly realizing that they can gain greater competitive advantage and improve profits by targeting women as employees, entrepreneurs, consumers, and business leaders. Closing gaps between women’s and men’s economic participation drives the growth of businesses and economies and improves the lives of families and communities.
Companies are equipped with the research, network of partners and experts, and knowledge to confidently set and meet ambitious corporate targets for women’s representation and leadership in business. By setting and reaching corporate targets for women’s representation and leadership in business, companies have the opportunity to demonstrate their commitment to measurable progress on gender equality to their employees, investors and other stakeholders and profile women in their organisation who are driving business success, sustainability, and contributions towards the SDGs.
Driven by a Global Vision
Support ambitious corporate target setting through facilitated performance analysis and capacity building;
Promote the comprehensive business case for women’s full participation and leadership in business, including financial and non-financial performance;
Support companies in creating more gender-inclusive businesses aligned with the Women’s Empowerment Principles;
Connect business to UN partners and other experts that can further support business action to advance SDG5;
Foster policy and stakeholder dialogue at the country level to address barriers to women’s representation and leadership in business;
Showcase and promote women’s business leadership driving corporate sustainability and progress on the Global Goals.
UN Certified Partners
Establish company-wide goals and targets for gender equality and women’s empowerment and measure progress through clear performance indicators.
Make managers at all levels accountable for results against these goals and targets through their performance reviews.
Engage and consult internal and external stakeholders in the development of company policies, programmes and implementation plans.
Ensure that existing policies are gender-sensitive – identifying factors that impact women and men differently – and that corporate culture advances equality and inclusion.
Review the requirements for board membership, and other governance bodies and committees, to ensure gender equality.
Leading Measurable Progress
Confidently set ambitious and realistic corporate targets for gender equality demonstrating commitment and action to your employees, investors and other stakeholders
Understand your current gender equality performance through the facilitated use of the Women’s Empowerment Principles Gender Gap Analysis Tool
Engage in accelerated learning opportunities specific to your country context
Build a network of peers, UN partners and experts to support your gender equality strategy and work collectively to tackle persistent barriers to gender equality.
Showcase women in your company who are driving business success, sustainability and contributions to the SDGs.
Promote the business case for Gender Economic Governance and engage clients to fit companies' needs through strategy development and advice.
Work on a case team with three to five other consultants, owning a distinct aspect of the project
Take charge of identifying information sources, gathering and interpreting data, executing analysis, and presenting findings to case team members and client stakeholders
Interview clients' customers, competitors, suppliers, and employers—work that will become the basis of the case team's strategic recommendations
“MCI Multilateral Partners is bringing the craft of gender economic governance from global development risks to the financial markets and establishing gender economic governance as a macro-critical investment discipline.”